Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Brazoskov Settlements

Arkany (pop 14,000): The sole ‘city’ located in the Northeast Tzarswald region, Arkany is both a seat of nobility and the kingdom’s largest repository of knowledge, most of which is gathered together in the Skolareum, a massive domed structure lying at the heart of the city, and visible well outside its walls. Arkany has about as many temples as it has inns and taverns, as well as the region’s largest concentration of Soverat troops. The city and the endless stores of knowledge within are of paramount importance to the Empress, as heavily guarded as Her treasury at Yurishad, complete with escape routes out the sub-cellars, dungeons and docks, through which the monks and scholars can evacuate their scrolls, ledgers and tomes in the event of an invasion, fire or some other catastrophe.
Borgaborsk (pop. 1800): A prosperous, walled town with the added defense of a Skorbi River inlet that serves as a natural moat. A larger-than-average dwarf population resides here, which explains the columns of forge-smoke that can be seen by daylight for many miles around. Craftsmen abound, from carpenters to smiths, who work from imported timber and iron, and their wares are sought all across Brazoskov.

Halfwynter Lodge (pop. 100): An elaborate, alpine resort in the Gargoyle Steeps, which caters primarily to a nobility from all corners of Brazoskov who fancy outdoor sports. Hiking, hunting, skiing, spelunking, dogsled racing and other activities are encouraged, and generally half the residents are staff who attend the wealthy clientele. Despite its name, the Lodge is active year round.
Omutny (pop. 200): A small community of fisherfolk on the western shore of Jaggerhead Lake, known as a particularly superstitious lot in how they ply their trades. The centerpiece of the village is Herring House, a stilted temple to St. Flume that overlooks the waters, staffed by an order of River Monks.
Svodnikha (pop. 900): An alpine village on the edge of the Tzarswald, in the foothills of the Gargoyle Steeps. Several farms have been tilled into hardened, cold terrain just south of the place, with some root vegetables and livestock available. Other local trades include hunting, prospecting and lumber. Svodnikha is generally the last stop-off point for Soverat patrols or explorers headed east across the Umbrilya glacier, merchant caravans traveling to Carpezce and Skovian elite en route to vacation at Halfwynter Lodge, so it attracts one of the more interesting and mixed crowds in the region.
Zolovny (pop. 400): A river market which swells up in traffic during the summer months, but otherwise maintains a rather low population. Zolovny serves as a nexus between D’Vryn traders and entertainers and the Skovian majority, but is also known as a haven of corruption rumored to harbor a discreet local thieves’ guild. Little more is known, but those who go inquiring loudly tend to end up chained below the docks, with their corpses picked at by the fish and flowing river

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