Desnova 15, 1423.
The PCs search the remainder of the rooms that Razakhel was using, and then decide, due to their ever sickening conditions, to move quickly to find the lower level of the Castle. They return through the servants quarters to the first floor, and then search some of the northern side of the castle, finding a large, covered garden terrace. In addition to being overgrown, it contains some strange nests that look like they are built from nettles, feathers and blood. Soon they are assaulted by vampiric winged creatures that can summon up clouds of stirges that will attach themselves to our heroes and drain them. However, the enemies are soon dispatched as they cannot compete with the PCs' power. They search through the terrace and find the remains of the forest gnome green thumb 'VV' whose cart must lie out in the courtyard.
They proceed to find a pair of towers and another battlement terrace, and in each of the towers is a daunting statue, one named 'Prvoslav Kral' and the other 'Dragi of the Stepped', who wields a skeletal longbow. Kral's statue hides a pressure plate which Nebol'shoy and Bjork uncover, that leads down into the cellars. They gather up the party and proceed down, combining and reading the two pieces of the rune to remove the death-rune that Csunori has left behind as a trap. Beyond this is a pair of store-rooms, the first of which is relatively empty other than a black widow spider which bites Aldren as he places his hand into the old vase it calls his home. In the second, more elaborate stores closet, they find an unusual crate wrapped in chains, which is accessed by the copper keys from the ring in the second floor Smoke-Room. It contains a two-headed skeleton with eyes of blazing fire crystal, which seems to animate and follow the PC who frees it. This unnatural creature is quickly dispatched by the others, to the dismay of some.
The next area is a deep, octagonal well of blood that is fed by several gargoyles on the walls that spray bloody mist from other areas in the castle, perhaps as it drains the very lifeblood of the Tzarswald and all who enter. Csunori and a group of undead dragonborn await them, and deadly battle is joined. Mockleg and Rucia dimension door straight behind her, putting the silvery necromancer at a disadvantage as she attempts to mock her attackers. The dead dragonborn put up more of a resistance than the PCs expect, made worse when a trio of skeletal nagas arrive from the nearby entrances to enforce Csunori. In addition, after the dragonborn zombies are felled, the whisper of an incantation arrives through the cellars, and they rise once more!!! The PCs finally cut down Csunori, but she transmogrifies into one of her undead minions and re-enters the fight!
PCs: Aldren, Bjork, Nebol'shoy, Rucia