The d'vryn are a semi-nomadic human ancestry native largely to the western regions of Karnovya, though their travels might take them far and wide beyond that. By daylight they appear not unlike other humans of Brazoskov and Myrkyba, skin ranging from fair to a faint olive tone, often with swarthy and handsome appearances, sharp noses or chins, favoring a range of festive, colorful garments and accessories that often border on the ridiculous. One striking difference is by darkness, during which their eyes give off a mystical, ghostly white glow that both enhances their own vision and spooks others who witness it. This trait is said to originate courtesy of The Host, the d'vryn's enigmatic, ancestral deity, whose blood has passed down through all of its descendants. Otherwise, they can make themselves indistinguishable from other Skovian humans, possessing the same general range of height and weight.
D'vryn are organized into familiaza, their clans, some of which maintain permanent camps and compounds in permanent, mixed human settlements, and others that rove about various locations through the seasons of the year, choosing not to stick to one place. This often casts suspicion upon their culture, as others feel their nomadic tendencies are to avoid getting themselves into trouble. While this is largely a stereotype, there are certainly some d'vryn individuals who revel within it, and clans with reputations for criminality and vice. They are also known as great entertainers; be they storytellers, minstrels, dancers or tricksters, few are more popular to share a campfire with.
D'Vryn Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score by 1.
Age. D'vryn have lifespans equivalent to humans.
Alignment. D'vryn have the same alignment range as other humans, although if stereotypes are to be believed, many of them would tend to favor non-lawful choices.
Size. Your size is Medium, like other humans.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Eyes of the Host. Your eyes glow with a faint, ghostly light in the darkness. This grants you darkvision, and advantage checks made to all Perception checks in said darkness. You can also see through magical disguises or illusions such as invisibility in the range of your darkvision, and vaguely make out the forms of Ethereal creatures wherever the veil between the Ethereal Plane and your own is thin.
Fortune's Favor/Fall. Each day you can grant yourself, or one other individual, a verbal boon that will grant he or she Advantage on one roll for that day, of YOUR choice. The Favor must be given out at least a turn in advance. If you are of an evil alignment, you may instead give out a verbal curse, a Fortune's Fall, following the same rules, which instead grants the recipient a Disadvantage on a roll. In either case, you must be in visual or other communication range when the adjusted roll is to transpire, and the ability resets the following morning.
Languages. You can speak, read and write in the Old Myrk tongue, which is the traditional language of your people. In addition, you can speak, read and write one other language (which is generally the Common tongue of Brazoskov, but ultimately up to you).
The ounce, or unce, is a catfolk subrace well-acclimated to cold weather regions, particularly those on the continent of Karnovya. Resembling bipedal snow leopards, they have coats of dense fur that ranges from the purest of whites to dirtier grays, yellows and browns. Like their animal counterparts, they are often adorned with spot patterns on their hides. Eye color runs from brown or golden to green and sky blue, and they have both a sharp set of teeth, and claws in their matted paws which they can retract to carry tools and weapons. Their ears are short and pointed, and they have fat, fluffy tails which they use to help them balance in the highlands and on the packed snows of their home territories. The average adult ounce is around 3.5-4.5' tall, the rare individual topping 5 feet, and they weight on average from 70-100 lbs.
Ounces breed and organize into 'Prides' which are scattered about the northern areas of Karnovya. Most of these are savage and semi-nomadic, with several caverns or other shelters that they rotate through each season. Most of the prides are at odds with one another as well as the other major races of the area such as humans or elves, and are considered dangerous at best, barbaric at worst; however, certain enterprising individuals among their number have been known to trade outside their Prides, or to stray further into lives of explorers and adventurers. Though they have some natural protection against the cold weather, most ounces have taken to wearing clothing of either their own tribal designs or other local societies when they wish to blend in better. The generally arm themselves with reliable, simple weapons such as spears, slings and clubs which they use for hunting, fishing and fighting, but when pressed, their fangs and paws will do.
Ounce Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Ounces have lifespans equivalent to halflings.
Alignment. Ounces tend towards neutral alignments, primarily interested in keeping to themselves and seeing to the betterment of their respective Prides.
Size. Ounces are slighter and lighter on average than humans. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. You have a cat's keen senses, especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in the dark, only shades of gray.
Cat's Paws and Jaws. Your claws confer upon you a climbing speed of 20 feet. In addition, your claws and bite are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with your claws, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, or piercing damage equal to 1d6 with your bite; instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. If you so choose, you can retract your paws to deal bludgeoning.
Cat's Talent. You have proficiency in the Perception and Stealth skills, and you make the latter at advantage when outdoors in cold/arctic terrains (taiga, tundra, winter weather, etc).
Weather the Cold. Your thick fur and affinity for colder climates grants you a Resistance versus cold-based attacks. In addition, when dealing with 'Extreme Cold' (as per the DMG, p.110), gain advantage on your saving throws to avoid gaining levels of exhaustion.
Languages. You can speak in the guttural, purring, unique dialect of Sylvan natural to Ounces, and you can read, write and speak one other language of your choice, assuming you have a background with exposure to speakers of said language.
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