Sunday, June 30, 2024

Session 31: Rugs 2 - The Throw Down (6/30/24)

Desnova 14, 1423.

The PCs press the battle against the undead defenders, nearing victory when another spell cast into the courtyard causes the withered old tree to come to life and attack! Though it makes deadly crushing attacks and sends hurtling through the courtyard stones at the PCs, they still manage to come out ahead and fell the last of these initial defenders. They then search through the courtyard, noting the gardener's cart that seems to be a recent arrival and the property of a gnome, as well as the other which looks more like it might belong to Csunori and Boriya. They find broken doll pieces in the fountain and a magic pitchfork in the stables, and also a locket on the corpse of a guard up on the battlement.

They enter the Bloodwalls proper through the Eastern Vestibule, finding a cache of treasure and keys hidden in the floor, and some strange heirlooms and carvings. They search through a nearby study where they discover a letter addressed to Csunori and some precious books, and then they move onward to some servants quarters. The castle seems to have a strange flow of time, and many of its interiors are magical, with animated brooms and brushes in various chambers, and candles or chandeliers that will ignite upon entrance into a specific area. The PCs search through a nearby grand ballroom with strange stone murals of muses that perform music, and a stained glass figure in the window that seems to 'track' them as they wander through the area. They mess with the music of the stone muses to create a blood shower from above!

They next make their way through some kitchen areas off the side of the ballroom, and then find a chamber full of hunting trophies which animate to attack them! Bear rugs wrap themselves around Rucia to attempt to take the paladin out of the fight, while stags' and boars' heads float about, cackling with laughter that effects the PCs sanity! Fortunately, they don't possess the fighting skills of our heroes, and they manage to put down these beasts for good.

PCs: Aldren, Bjork, Nebol'shoy, Rucia

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